Monday, May 4, 2009

stairs at school

as i am walking from class to class at school i usually have to use the stairs...there are so many people at my school!
do you know how long it takes to walk up those stairs? a long time crowded by moving, pushing, sweaty bodies. so not fun.
want to know what makes it worse? when you get stuck by the annoying guys who make a chain and push you down to the ground and trample up the stair crushing you on the way. It hurts and its not fun.
when i walk to class i wait until the stairs are pearson-less and then i walk up. this is nice but it is very hard for me to get to class on time after wards. i dont end up on the ground in pain, but i do end up truant... bummer.
this will be an ongoing problem throughout my school years.
just one more reason i dont like school. i have a list of reasons. maybe i will post it for those who are interesting. then again my mom will be upset. but......we'll see.

love, maddie


  1. I hated school. I don't know that this is unusual. And sometimes, it feels better to get all the reasons off your chest. Love ya!

  2. I will not be upset if you share you many and varied reasons for not liking school sweet pants.
    maybe you could ALSO try to come up with a FEW reasons you LIKE school though? Just a few???
    A certain teacher? a certain class? a certain subject? a particular friend? lunch time? ANYTHING?
    love you!!!!!

  3. hhaha. i did that just for you in my six six six post :) hahah
